Whether this relationship works depends on whether both of these individuals are willing to improve on all the things that create problems in the relationship.

From their first exchange of glances, these two notice that there's a great attraction between them, an intense sensuality that soon becomes the center of the relationship. It's not just physical, but also a mental attraction, since the two of them think alike and share many ideas in many aspects of life.
Between them, there is no need for long conversations - their sixth sense allows them to understand each other. This makes them enjoy themselves even more.
From very early on, the Taurus woman will fall in love with this withdrawn and mysterious man, sometimes difficult to understand, sometimes fragile. All the mystery that surrounds him will spark her curiosity and feed her desire to know him even more. He's also a tender, sweet man who makes every moment together unique and magical, at least at the beginning.
Together, their deep connection allows them to develop an unparalleled love and friendship.
However, not everything is perfect, and tensions will inevitably arise between them. The daydreamy temperament of the Pisces man sometimes irritates Taurus, a woman who is decidedly not a dreamer and always has her feet on the ground. This fact means she'll end up having to wear the pants in the family for a while. The problem that may arise is if she gets tired of this situation and makes Pisces get more involved in the responsibilities of daily life. It's clear that, to avoid problems in the future, Pisces will have to focus more on responsibilities and less on his dreams. Either that, or he'll have to learn not to get into conflict with her on this issue, keeping this tendency of his to himself, avoiding her getting annoyed with his apparent instability.
As for Pisces, he will get annoyed with his partner's need to control everything, and especially her strong attachment to traditions and to things staying the way they are. She does not understand that habits change from one person to another, or from one place to another. This will be a major cause of problems between them, because he is unwilling to change what he considers appropriate based on his morals and pure logic.
The possessive Taurus will sometimes be appalled by her partner's evasive behavior.
In spite of everything, the relationship can be enriching for both of them if they know how to take make the most of their differences. Pisces, a great idealist, will find in his partner a source of support that will make him focus more on real life. She will give him the confidence and drive that will enable him to achieve important things for himself and his family. As for Taurus, when she's with this great man, she will learn to trust herself more, to make decisions, to be less reserved. She will find in him the imagination and freshness that is missing in her daily life. He will make her stray away from her pillars of support - he destabilizes her, inspiring her live a life that's a little less serious and more fun, a life more worth living.
Edited by Melissa K.
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