The Aquarius Man: Personality Traits, Love, Sexuality and More

Manuel GarManuel G | March 18 2023

The Aquarius Man

Aquarius is both an emotional and rational man. There are Aquarius men of various kinds - some are very calm and others very rowdy - but with a common characteristic, which is a taste for reflection.

Aquarius is basically a big softy who knows how to hide what he considers to be a weakness: his emotions.

A rational man like Aquarius is in constant search of things that challenge his intellect. If he gets bored, he looks elsewhere.

Aquarius is a curious person, always seeking new knowledge, very interested in everything that allows him to use his creativity, such as art and music. Aquarius is an eternal perfectionist, and his expectations are high.

Although at times he doesn't show his feelings, this does not prevent him from being a loving person who cares very much about the happiness and well-being of his loved ones.

Aquarius still stands out without trying to because he has a contagious good mood. He always tries to keep far away from conflicts, as well as from the people who create them. He has moral values that he tends never to compromise.

In Love

The Aquarius man gives off the impression of a mysterious person who is difficult to reach, and that attracts many women.

Aquarius does not like relationships that are too clingy. In fact, he needs a woman who is distant enough, but, paradoxically, who is present at the same time. Aquarius seeks a relationship that does not smother him in terms of space.

He's usually very affectionate, but in a different way, not too expressive. It's not a matter of indifference or not being sensitive, but rather, it should be seen as moderation in emotional expression.

Aquarius is therefore the type of man who grants his companion a space of freedom. The person who is with him must understand that this is a sign of respect for them and not disinterest.

Finally and very importantly is that, in love, the Aquarius man seeks a woman who excites both his intellect and his senses.

How to seduce an Aquarius man and make him fall in love with you?

To win the heart of an Aquarius, there's nothing like an active and independent woman. The Aquarius man quickly gets tired of women who are very dependent.

Aquarius appreciates that a woman constantly surprises him, always with things that ignite his intellect.

For Aquarius, a woman should stand out for her mental intelligence, for her boldness, and even for her humor, which for him is synonymous with intelligence.

To make sure he doesn't run away, you should avoid telling him "I love you" during the seduction phase, and if possible, throughout the whole relationship. There are only very special occasions when he likes to hear it. He doesn't want his partner to be saying it all day.

He is fearful and doesn't like the burden, and he would hate to be in a relationship with a woman who suffocates him. That's why, at first, he will spend a while simply not publicly acknowledging the relationship, saying that you're just friends. Go along with it because it's likely that after a while everything will change.

The best strategy could be to become his friend and then let everything else come in good time.

You must also avoid going too fast when dealing with the topic of marriage. Aquarius is an independent person and could feel burdened by being obligated to share a life with one single person or having to make that decision hastily.

The Sexuality of the Aquarius Man

Aquarius has a great need for changes, something characteristic of air signs. That's why, in bed, he is a man who loves to always have new experiences and discover new erotic games.

He will exercise his passion on his partner gently and slowly because he can enjoy every second of pleasure.

Whether there is foreplay depends on his mood and whether he has a lot of desire that day or not. He usually enjoys other parts of the act more.

Preferring novelty, he'll pass on simple and traditional positions such as missionary, and will go for new, sometimes almost acrobatic positions.

Finally, you should know that Aquarius is a sincere person, and he will not hesitate to ask for more if he has not been satisfied.

Edited by Melissa K.